School Policies » Trips


Parents/Guardians who attend the trip are responsible to remain with the class for the entire length of the trip. This includes traveling to and from the trip destination with the class (using the school as the starting and ending point), using the transportation the school has provided, and staying with the class during the length of the excursion.
If you volunteer to be a chaperone on a trip for your child’s class, you will be assisting the teacher with other students in the class, not only your child. (Please note: only students in that particular class are permitted to attend the class trip –this excludes any siblings, relatives, and students from other classes.)
It is important for all parents/guardians to ensure they sign and return the trip permission slips for any trips your child will be attending. Your signature is authorizing your child to participate in the field trip as stated in Chancellor’s Regulations A-670 C.2.  Telephone verification or allowing someone who is not the parent/guardian to sign is NOT acceptable.