Photo Album

4th grade class photo
three students wearing holiday hats
two students holding presents
student wearing a holiday hat and holding a gift
three students sitting with arms around each other
student wearing a holiday hat
two students wearing holiday hats
student holding gift and oranments
two students sitting
two students sitting by a holiday theme room
three students sitting in front of a winter wonderland back drop
group of students sitting in front of a winter backdrop
group of students wearing holiday hats
group of students
two students in front of a winter back drop
two students in front of holiday decorations
two students in front of holiday lights
group of students by a winter back drop
two students in front of a 'tis the season' sign.
student holding a gift box
a student holding a boxed gift.
Two students sitting with their arms over their shoulders
Two students holding large ornaments
three students wearing holiday hats
two students wearing holiday headbands.
Two students in front of holiday decorations.
students with holiday decorations
student and the teacher
two students holding a gift box
two students with a holiday decoration.
student holding a holiday gift box
students sitting with a holiday decoration
student wearing holiday clothing
students with arms around each other and holiday gift boxes
student holding a gift box
Students in front of a winter back drop
students with a holiday decoration
students wearing red and white
student holding a holiday plushie
student holding a large ornament
student wearing a holiday hat
student wearing a holiday sweater
students sitting on chairs
student holding a plushie gingerbread man
students with a holiday decoration
student holding a large ornament.
three students sitting together
student wearing a holiday dress
five students sitting together
two students sitting in front of a winter back drop
group of students sitting together in front of a winter wonderland photo
two students holding a holiday doll
group of students sitting together
group of students holding holiday decorations.
two students standing together
student holding holiday toys
student with a holiday decoration
two students sitting in a winter theme room
two students holding an ornament
two students holding holiday dolls
two students hugging
three students holding large ornaments
principal and assistant principals